Poem Opening Ceremony - Elif Duygu
(c) Mila Zytka
Poem Opening Ceremony - Elif Duygu
"Viyanayı dinliyorum, gözlerim kapalı. Ich höre mit geschlossenen Augen Wien zu" ("I'm listening to Vienna, my eyes closed")
Since 2018, Elif Duygu has been performing on both national and international Poetry Slam stages, including TEDxVienna and the Austrian Poetry Slam championships 2022 held in Dornbirn, where she won first prize in both the individual and the team competition. Elif Duygu's texts, often dealing with socio-critical themes, have been published in numerous literature magazines and anthologies.
She is currently a student in the Master's programme for Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at the University of Vienna.